Resort Olšina - accommodation in Sumava

Logo Resort Olšina - accommodation in Sumava
1porc. 60 Kč
1porc. Garlic with cheese and toasted bread 60 Kč
1porc. Soup - according to the daily menu 60 Kč
200 gfried carp 259 Kč
1porc. 299 Kč
Ready meals
150 gRoast sirloin in sour cream sauce with dumplings 249 Kč
150 gDeer goulash, Karlovy Vary dumpling 249 Kč
150 gRoast wild boar, potato dumplings, red cabbage 249 Kč
1 ksGermknödel with vanilla sauce sprinkled with poppy seeds 159 Kč
Minute meals to order
150 gFried chicken breast 189 Kč
150 g 189 Kč
140 gfried cheese 189 Kč
1porc. Balkan salad tomatoes, cucumber, paprika, Balkan cheese 179 Kč
200 gBoiled potatoes 45 Kč
200 g 50 Kč
200 gAmerican potatoes 55 Kč
200 gPotato fries fried 55 Kč
160 gMushroom dumpling (gluten) 40 Kč
160 gCarlsbad dumpling (gluten) 60 Kč
1porc.variations of fresh vegetables 89 Kč
1porc. Tartar sauce 25 Kč
1porc. Ketchup 25 Kč
Desserts and ice cream sundaes
3 ksPancakes with cinnamon sugar and whipped cream 109 Kč
1porc. Whipped Cream 25 Kč
Soft drinks
0,3l/0,5lKofola 45 Kč/55 Kč
0,5lSoda 45
0,25lCoca Cola, Fanta, Sprite 50 Kč
0,25lKinley Tonic 50 Kč
0,25lCappy by offer 50 Kč
0,3lNatura - slightly sparkling, still 35 Kč
0,33lRömerquelle - slightly sparkling, still 50 Kč
0,4lHomemade lemonade 75 Kč
0,25lRed Bull 70 Kč
1porc. Iced coffee (espresso, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream)99 Kč
1porc. Lemon 8 Kč
0,5lTap water 30 Kč
0,3l/0,5lPilsner Urquell 48 Kč/62 Kč
0,3 l/0,5 Radegast Birell - free 41 Kč/55 Kč
0,5lPilsner Urquell in bottles49 Kč
0,5lRadegast Birell – free in bottles44 Kč
0,5lBirell fruit can42 Kč
Hot drinks
1 porc.Flat White 75 Kč
1porc. Espresso 55 Kč
1porc. Espresso Lungo 55 Kč
1porc. Espresso Macchiato 60 Kč
1porc. Cappuccino 65 Kč
1porc.Viennese coffee 75 Kč
1porc. Latte Macchiato 70 Kč
1porc. Turkish coffee 55 Kč
1porc.Hot chocolate with whipped cream 70 Kč
1porc. Tea of choice 50 Kč
1porc.Ginger tea 60 Kč
1,5 dcl Mulled wine - red, white 95 Kč
1porc.Grog 75 Kč
Spilled wine, Prosecco
0,1lGrüner Veltliner Weingut AIGNER 49 Kč
0,1lRieslink halbtrocken Weingut Kessler Zing 49 Kč
0,1lMontepulciano IGP, Crea Vini, Italy 49 Kč
0,1lMontelliana (prosecco) Montblanc, Frizzante Extra Dry Veneto, Italy65 Kč
Sparkling wine 0,75l
0,75Bohemia sekt 390 Kč
075 l 380 Kč
0,75l 899 Kč
White wines 0,75l
0,75lSauvignon dry, cabinet, 2020 380 Kč
0,75lGrüner Veltliner DAC dry, Cavallo 380 Kč
Rosé wines 0,75l
0,75l 380 Kč
Red wines 0,75l
0,75lFrankovka Premium 380 Kč
0,75lPrimitivo del Salento IGT Castannove 399 Kč
0,75lChlanti DOCG 380 Kč
Aperitives, sects
0,1lCinzano (by offer) 55 Kč
0,3lAperol Spritz 150 Kč
0,75lSect Bohemia 390 Kč
Liqueurs, spirits, whisky
0,04lPepermint liqueur 60 Kč
0,04lBerentzen 60 Kč
0,04lTuzemák 60 Kč
0,04lSlivovice, Hruškovice - Jelinek 80 Kč
0,04lBaron - Hildbrandt (raspberry, pear, apricot) 100 Kč
0,04lGin Beefeater 60 Kč
0,04lFinlandia Vodka 70 Kč
0,04lFernet Stock, Fernet Stock citrus 60 Kč
0,04lBecherovka 60 Kč
0,04lJägermeister 60 Kč
0,04lBožkov Republika 60 Kč
0,04lDiplomatico Mantuano 120 Kč
0,04lBallantine´s Finest 80 Kč
0,04lTullamore Dew 80 Kč
0,04lJack Daniels 80 Kč

Our specialties

The Olšina Restaurant is located on the ground floor of the Hotel Michala. Your requests for special restaurant services, ordering banquets, receptions or reservations can be made by calling 739 485 273.

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